Red Squirrel Awareness Week communications pack
Handy communications pack with background and aims for Red Squirrel Awareness Week, daily themes, example messages, useful links and UKSA events.
DownloadHandy communications pack with background and aims for Red Squirrel Awareness Week, daily themes, example messages, useful links and UKSA events.
DownloadToolkit to support the UK Squirrel Accord campaign to increase awareness and evidence of grey squirrel bark stripping through sharing images, videos and stories. Toolkit contains the campaign and UKSA
DownloadResearch into calcium deficiency as a causal mechanism for grey squirrel bark stripping.
ReadReport on the cost of grey squirrel bark stripping damage to woodland in England and Wales using available evidence and developing a replicable methodology.
DownloadForest Research UK Forestry Standard Technical Note on legal methods of grey squirrel management and best practice.
ReadWales Squirrel Forum with Wales Squirrel Partnership conservation plan to safeguard the future of red squirrels in Wales.
ReadWales Squirrel Forum review and update of the 2009 conservation plan for red squirrels in Wales.
ReadThe Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum best practice guide to managing grey squirrels for red squirrel conservation. The legislation is specific to Northern Ireland, but the operating practices could be used
ReadA new action plan to protect and enhance red squirrel populations in England. This five-year plan, 2023-2028, is supported by numerous red squirrel stakeholders and contains various actions we aim
DownloadNational Forest methodology to assess levels of grey squirrel activity and impact within woodlands - use with recording sheet. This standard methodology and recording format is used in order to
DownloadNational Forest recording sheet to assess levels of grey squirrel activity and impact within woodlands - use with methodology. This standard methodology and recording format is used in order to
DownloadForest research case study on grey squirrel bark stripping damage by Brenda A. Mayle.
DownloadResearch to understand the drivers of grey squirrel bark stripping damage to trees
DownloadSurvey of woodland owners and managers on the issue of grey squirrels and their management to protect tree health.
ReadBASC guidance on managing grey squirrels using humane live capture traps.
ReadWoodland Trust position statement on grey squirrel management.
ReadWelsh Government action plan to manage the effects of grey squirrels on red squirrels and woods in Wales.
ReadForestry Commission policy for taking grey squirrel action on the public forest estate.
ReadStrategic recovery plan for pine martens across Britain, which summarises achievements and emphasises the importance of conserving recovering populations in Scotland - by VWT with Natural England and NatureScot.
ReadRed Squirrels United and Newcastle University offer best practice to guide monitoring and surveillance for effective early warning and rapid response in grey squirrel management.
ReadScottish Natural Heritage planning advice for developers on red squirrel legislation, preparing a protection plan and mitigation measures needed for developments near red squirrel habitats.
ReadAn overview of red squirrels on the Isle of Wight written by Wight Squirrel Project's Helen Butler MBE using 30 years of data drawn from science, citizen science and the
ReadStrategy to aid the conservation and continued recovery of red squirrels in Northern Ireland.
ReadThe Northern Ireland Environment Agency and the Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum created this resource pack for teachers. It can be used to educate students on conservation for red squirrels. The
ReadA collection of case studies from conservation projects, scientific research groups and leading practitioners, which provides scientific evidence, frontline experience and key insights on achieving landscape-scale recovery for red squirrel
ReadScottish Natural Heritage strategy for Scotland to conserve red squirrels and manage grey squirrels.
ReadEuropean Squirrel Initiative e-book of red squirrel conservation case studies from local initiatives throughout the UK.
ReadBritish Red Squirrel guidance on squirrel traps licensed for use in the UK.
ReadRoyal Forestry Society members survey on the impact of grey squirrels on trees and woods, and the effectiveness of grey squirrel management methods.
ReadUK Squirrel Accord frequently asked questions and answers on the grey squirrel fertility control research we are funding and that is being delivered by the Animal and Plant Health Agency.
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. June 2020 includes a call for evidence of grey squirrel bark stripping, new reports on grey squirrel tree damage and costs, a look at Plant Health
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. April 2022 includes information on our grey squirrel bark stripping campaign for 2022, the new Red Squirrel Strategy for Northern Ireland, Volunteer of the Year 2021
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. August 2021 looks at September's Red Squirrel Awareness Week and events such as our red squirrel conservation update and the Great Scottish Squirrel Survey. Other news
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. December 2020 includes a look ahead to events in 2021 e.g. our online fertility control update, progress on national plans/strategies, content on our new YouTube channel
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. December 2021 includes an update on our fertility control research (now in year four), Red Squirrel Appreciation Day 2022 - Twitterstorm, news from Saving Scotland's Red
DownloadOur December 2022 newsletter looks at plans for Red Squirrel Appreciation Day on 21 January 2023, how to access the updated bark stripping damage survey, results from the RSNE Spring
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. June 2020 includes an update on the fertility control research, a focus on grey squirrel bark stripping, a summary of Red Squirrels United achievements and pine
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. Spring 2019 focuses on creating the new UKSA website, an update on the fertility control research, Invasive Species Week and more.
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. Summer 2019 includes the launch of the new UKSA website, our photography competition, Red Squirrel Awareness Week and the Great Scottish Squirrel Survey.
DownloadUK Squirrel Accord newsletter. Year-end 2019 includes an update on the fertility control research at the end of year two, a look forward to Red Squirrel Apreciation Day 2020 and
DownloadRed Squirrels United and Forest Research report that examines the experiences of volunteers involved in red squirrel conservation and gathers their insights.