
We can list squirrel-related jobs available through our partners or stakeholders. Send anything you want added to

See below for the latest vacancies.

North-East Eradication Coordinator - Aberdeen

Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels – North-East Eradication Coordinator. Temporary role until March 2026. Application deadline: 18th February 2025

You will be at the forefront of an unprecedented conservation initiative: the eradication of grey squirrels from Aberdeen and the Shire. This ground-breaking effort will set a precedent as the first eradication of an invasive grey squirrel population on mainland Britain, attracting significant scientific and public interest.

Squirrel jobs

To advertise any squirrel-related vacancies please email the details to


Join or support a local community group working to protect the UK’s red squirrels and raise awareness.

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UKSA project

Join our project to help protect red squirrels & trees in Yorkshire, Lancashire & County Durham.

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Report sightings

Report red or grey squirrel sightings, or suspected squirrelpox to the relevant group or organisation.

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